Select Vita on Technology Uses in Teaching, Research and Service

Ron Barnette

(since 1994)

Dr. Ron Barnette, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy
Department of Philosophy
Acting Dean (2001-2002)

Acting Vice-President for Academic Affairs (1982)
Head, Department of Philosophy (1974-2001)
College of Arts and Sciences

Valdosta State University
Valdosta, GA 31698

Address: 612 Gulf Ave, Dunedin, Florida 34698

Phone: 727-734-3940 (Home)

Email addresses:;;
Website: RonBarnette.Com


Born July 7, 1942, Compton, California
Married to Candy McKibben Barnette (1973)
Daughters Blair and Rebecca; son, Daron


Ph.D. (Philosophy), University of California, Irvine, Spring, 1972
(dissertation: Explanation of Human Action, chaired by D.C. Dennett)

B.A. (Philosophy), California State University, Long Beach, Fall, 1967

Areas of Specialization

Logic and Critical Thinking, Applied Ethics, Philosophy of Technology and Education, Philosophy of Science, Minds and Machines

Professional Memberships and Accomplishments  

The American Philosophical Association. (Former member, APA Committee on Philosophy and Computers, and Teaching-in-Cyberspace editor, Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers, APA.)

APA Web Advisory Board (1996-1999).

Executive Secretary of Communication and Information, International Association of Computing and Philosophy (IACAP), 2005-present. Newsletter co-editor for IACAP, 2006-present.

Program Committee chair for Distance Learning and the Profession, North American Computing and Philosophy, Carnegie Mellon University/Oregon State University (through 2005).

Episteme Links Advisory Board member (1997-2000); EL Board of Directors, present.

Noesis Advisory Board, present

The Philosophy of Science Association (former member).

Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology (former member).

The Society for Minds and Machines (former member).

The Georgia Philosophical Society (former member and President).

The American Society of Computer Users in Education (former member).

The International Society for Technology and Education

Trustee, American Philosophical Institute

Editorial Board member of Reveries, an online undergraduate journal of philosophy (1999-2003)

Outside Evaluator, Socrates for the 21st Century Project

Article reviewer for Social Philosophy Today

National Grant Evaluator, National Endowment of the Humanities, 2004-2005.

Guest Editor, APA Newsletter on Computers and Philosophy: Special edition on Dan Dennett's Barwise Prize and contributions in philosophy and computing, spring and fall, 2005

Reviewer and contributor to Breaking the Spell, by Dan Dennett, 2006.

Creator and proprietor of Zeno's Coffeehouse, an award-winning classic website, 1994-present.


Recent Relevant Presentations and Workshops Conducted

Session Chair, "Artificial Intelligence/Artificial Life/Robotics," North American Computing and Philosophy Conference, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, July 10-12, 2008.

Panel moderator on "A Global Online Course in Computers and Philosophy, North American Computing and Philosophy Conference, Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, July 26-28, 2007.

Panel presenter on "How Online Learning Changes the University (and Teaching of the Humanities)," North American Computing and Philosophy Conference, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), Troy, New York, August 10-12, 2006. Video presentation on Friday 11th session on Distance Learning, 3:20 session:

Introdution of keynote speaker, Mark Bedau (Reed College), "Computational Models of Evolutionary Creativity," North American Computing and Philosophy Conference, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, August, 2005.

Co-Chair, APA Special Session to Recognize Barwise Prize Winner, Daniel Dennett, APA Eastern Division meeting, Boston, Mass., Dec., 2004. Introduced Professor Dennett.

Chair, Special Session entitled "The Dennett Project: Daniel Dennett and the Computational Turn," at the Computing and Philosophy conference, Carnegie Mellon University, August, 2004.

Invited speaker at the VIP Scientific Forum of Santa Caterina (Italy) in Internet Technology, Jan, 2004 (unable to attend in person).

Program Chair, Computing and Philosophy conference, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, August 2002. Introduced keynote speaker and Barwise Awardee, Patrick Suppes.

"The Issue of Distance Learning: 'What's the Story with Distance Ed?'," presented at the American Philosophical Association meeting, Atlanta, GA, December, 2001.

Chair, session on Computational Powers and Minds, Society for Mentality and Machines, APA, Atlanta, GA, December, 2001.

Panel discussion organized and conducted for the Computing and Philosophy Conference, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, August 2001.

Invited address on teaching and technology, Georgia College and State University, April, 2001.

"How Distance Learning is Changing our Profession," panel discussion organized and conducted for the Computing and Philosophy Conference, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, August 2000.

"Ready, Set, Go: Online Teaching and Available Resources," presentation to program on Developing a Social Problems Learning Community, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA, Feb., 2000.

"Constructing a Campus-Wide Learning Community for Institutional Improvement," (R. Barnette, L.Benjamin, L. Levy), University System of Georgia Teaching and Learning Conference, Atlanta, GA, Nov., 1999.

"Assessing  Readiness for Quality Online Instruction," presented on a Web-delivered Online Conference on Teaching Online in Higher Education, Nov., 1999.

Invited presentation "How and How Well Do Philosophy Students Learn in Cyberspace?," at the annual conference of the American Philosophical Association, New Orleans, May, 1999.

Invited presentation to University System of Georgia Board of Regents, on web-based education and asynchronous learning, Atlanta, GA, Oct., 1998.

World Wide Web tour of "Project Millennium: Building a Learning Community in Cyberspace," International Society for Technology in Education, New Orleans, LA, Oct., 1998.

Conducted Technology Roundtable session for Chief Academic and Student Affairs Officers, St. Simon's Island, GA, July, 1998.

"Learning Communities in Cyberspace," presented to the Regents' Committee on Georgia Libraries, Jekyll Island, GA, April, 1998.

WWW Tour "Academe in Cyberspace," at International Society for Technology in Education annual conference, Austin, Texas, October, 1997.

Workshop on Teaching and the WWW conducted for the University System of Georgia's Teachers and Technology Project, Athens, GA, August, 1997.

Report to the Computing and Philosophy conference at Carnegie Mellon University, Aug.,1997.

Roundtable on Assessing Online Learning conducted for the American Association for Higher Education Summer Academy, Snowbird, Utah, July, 1997.

Faculty Development Workshop on Teachers and Technology, Darton College, Albany GA, May, 1997.

Participant in 'Meet the Authors' session at the American Philosophical Association Central Division conference, hosted by Basil Blackwell Pubs, Pittsburg, PA, April, 1997.

"The Virtual University Academic Department," presented at the International Society for Technology and Education, Tampa, FL, December, 1996.

"Report on the APA Survey on Computing and Philosophy," presented to the American Philosophical Association Meeting, Atlanta, GA, December, 1996.

"The Enigma of Technology and the Future of the Academic Department," University System of Georgia Conference in Teaching and Technology, Oct., 1996.

"Computer Networks and Information Technology: A Case Study," workshop conducted for the College of Business Administration, Valdosta State University, Spring, 1996.

"Teaching Philosophy in Cyberspace: A Review of PHICYBER, The Electronic Agora," presented at the Annual Meeting of Georgia Association of Health Care and Technology, Macon, GA, June, 1996.

"Philosophy in Cyberspace," presented at the Pacific Division meeting at the American Philosophical Association, Seattle, WA, April, 1996.

"The Electronic Agora: Non-Virtual Teaching Reality," presented on the World Wide Web through the Valdosta State University Philosophy Website, February- March, 1996.

"Teaching and Research in the Electronic Agora," presented at the Annual Conference of the International Society for Technology and Education, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, November, 1995.

"Internet Teaching and Research Technologies," presented at the University System of Georgia Conference on Faculty Development in Teaching and Technology, Athens, GA, August, 1995.

"Teaching and Research on the Information Superhighway," presented at the annual meeting of the APA Committee on Computing and Philosophy, CMU, Pittsburgh, PA, August, 1995.

"A Virtual Classroom: The Electronic Agora," presented to The American Society of Computer Users in Education, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, June, 1995.

"Innovations in Teaching and Technology," presented at the Missouri Conference on Technology and Teaching, Rolla, MO, March, 1995.

"Refinements in Teaching in an Electronic Classroom Without Walls," presented to the University System of Georgia Conference on Academic Computing, Rock Eagle, GA, Oct., 1994.

"Comment on Computation and Content," presented at The Pacific Division meeting of the American Philosophical Association, San Francisco, CA, April, 1994.


Recent Relevant Publications and World Wide Web Activity

Steven Bayne's first-rate site on Analytic Philosophy chose to re-publish online my earlier (1978) article on "Grounding the Mental," published originally in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research.

"Virtual Communities and Professional Communication," a research program into the pragmatic use of online audio and video global communication and conferencing (ongoing).

"Searching for Intelligent Life," reviews of two chapter articles on Cybernetics and Artificial Life in Blackwell Guide to The Philosophy of Computing and Information, edited by Luciano Floridi, published in the APA Newsletter of Philosophy and Computers, Spring, 2005.

Contributor to The Dennett Project: Daniel Dennett and the Computational Turn, publications in the APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers, and the journal Minds and Machines.

"Philosophy Songs and New Models of Student Learning?," the APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers, Spring, 2004.

"Teaching in Cyberspace," APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers, Fall, 2003.

"Skeptical Philosophy for Everyone," a book review for Essays in Philosophy, Spring, 2003.

"Hybrid Courses and Integrated Learning" the APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers, Spring 2001.

"Virtual Worlds and Global Communities," forthcoming with revisions.

"Innovative Online Components for Philosophy Instruction," the APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers, Fall, 2000.

"Interactive Learning in Cyberspace: Costs? Benefits? Readiness? Incentives?," the APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers, Spring, 2000.

"Teaching and Learning in Cyberspace: Some Ideas and Some Suggestions," in APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers, Fall, 1999.

"CyberEducation: Teaching and Learning in a Virtual Community," WWW publication, July, 1999

"The State of the Initiative," (co-authored with Louis Levy and Lloyd Benjamin), The Consortium on Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Newsletter, GA. State University, Feb., 1999.

"Helpful Tips for Planning Online Instruction," WWW publication for faculty preparing to teach Internet-based courses, Jan., 1999.

"The Southern Regional Electronic Campus," in APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computing, Fall, 1998.

"Framework for Assessment for Learning and for the Evaluation of Asynchronous Internet Classes," WWW publication, July, 1998.

"WWW Resources for Teaching Philosophy," in APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computing , Spring, 1998.

"Teaching Philosophy in Cyberspace," in the Learning Highway: Smart Students and the Net, edited by Trevor Owen, Key Porter Books, Jan., 1998.

"The Internet as a Medium in Delivering Education", by Ron Barnette and Allan C. Reddy, (pp.25-42) in Allan C. Reddy (Editor). The Emerging High-Tech Consumer - A Market Profile and Marketing Strategy Implications, Quorum Books,Westport, CT, 1997.

"APA Teaching and Technology Survey," in APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computing, Oct., 1997.

"Teaching Philosophy in Cyberspace," in The Digital Phoenix: How Computers are Changing Philosophy, Basil Blackwell Publishers, Dec., 1997.

"The Use of Computers in Teaching Philosophy: An APA Report,"  in the same above publication.

"Zeno's Café,"; in APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers, April, 1997.

- Original webdesigner and webmaster of the VSU Philosophy Department Website (1994-2001).

-Designed and taught online doctoral courses in Philosophy of Education (Fall, 1998, Summer 2000, Spring 2002, Spring 2003, Spring 2004, Spring 2005, Fall, 2006).

- Designed and taught online course in Honors Philosophy (Spring, 1997).

- Designed and taught online courses in Ethics and Technology (Winter, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001).

- Designed and taught online courses in Philosophy of Mind (Fall, 1996, Fall, 1999).

- Designed and taught online course, PHICYBER VI: The Electronic Agora, for 112 participants from 8 nations and 5 continents, Summer, 1999. (Project begun in Summer, 1994 with PHICYBER I, an outgrowth of Philosophical Problems (1992), the first totally online (via Gopher!) full-credit philosophy course conducted in North America). PHICYBER VI was last taught online Summer, 1999.

- Former Director of Philosophy Department SUNLAB, a Sun microsystem electronic lab designed for the sole purpose of furthering Word Wide Web Research and Teaching (afforded by the University System of Georgia Grants for Innovative Computer Technology).

- Author, creater, and webmaster of Zeno's Coffeehouse (est. 1994).

- "Further Reflections in Education on the Information Superhighway," Word Wide Web publication, May, 1995.

- Critical Review of H. Dreyfus' What Computers Still Can't Do, in The International Journal of Applied Expert Systems, March, 1995.

- "Reflections in Electronic Teaching", in The Learning Highway: The Canadian Student's Guide to the Internet, edited by Trevor Owen, Key Porter Books,February, 1995.

- 'Omniscience and Freedom,' electronic WWW publications, 1994. (Updated 1999)

- 'Supertasks and Omnipotence,' electronic WWW publications, 1994.

- Referee for The Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy, Universityof Louisiana, 1995-1999.

-Referee for the Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 1996-1999.

- Listserver manager for CPAE (Center for Professional and Applied Ethics), PHICYBER (Philosophy in Cyperspace), PHILED (Philosophy of Education), ETHTECH (Ethics and Technology),  PHIMIND (Philosophy of Mind Class), and (previously) PHICOM (Georgia Committee on Academic Philosophy).

- VSU Office of Vice President for Academic Affairs; Associate for Technology and Learning, July, 1996-July 2001. Activities included:


Institutional Service (highlights)

- Membership on Sixteen College, University and University System Committees, including the Chancellor's Steering Committee on Conflict Resolution. VSU workshops conducted on Alternative Dispute Resolution, and over 25 mediated services provided for the President of the university (through 2002)

- Service on six doctoral dissertation Committees (through Cooperative Doctoral program with Georgia State University)

-Service on 16 dissertation committees, VSU Ed.D. Doctoral programs (ongoing service)

- Coordinator 1985-2001, Center for Faculty Development and Instructional Improvement

-Websearch entries for Ron Barnette