(The following Code and Acknowledgment Form was prepared by Dr. Ron Barnette
and the Office of City Manager, Dunedin, Florida, and approved by the Dunedin City
Commission on July 15, 2004)
City of Dunedin
Code of Core Values for Civility and
- Integrity I shall make no promises
or commitments I cannot reasonably expect to fulfill, and I shall maintain appropriate
social, ethical, and organizational norms in City related activities.
- Ethics I pledge to
maintain the highest standards of professional behavior and to comply with the laws,
regulations, and policies under which we operate.
- Civility I pledge to help
create an atmosphere of respect and civility where individual Commissioners, City Manager
and staff, department heads, committee and board members, and the public are free to
express their ideas and work to their full potential.
- Respect for the Individual I respect the diversity of
Commissioners, City employees, committee members, and citizens, to provide fair and
equitable treatment in all areas, and to encourage personal and professional growth.
- Communication I pledge to be open,
consistent, truthful, and respectful in all communications, written and verbal, as this is
vital for reflective and sound decision making for the Dunedin community.
- Teamwork I shall work
together with others, with mutual respect, to achieve organizational goals, recognizing
that unity of purpose and effort leads to increased productivity and greater
- Leadership I shall lead by example,
using appropriate interpersonal skills, and shall strive to maximize citizen and employee
involvement to further the vision of Dunedins quality community.
- Creativity and Innovation I shall strive to stimulate and
appreciate new concepts and solutions suggested by all, as Dunedins creative
community is enriched.
- Quality I shall strive
for excellence in every phase of our work.
- Stewardship I shall strive to make a
positive contribution to our City and to enhance the quality of services throughout the
Dunedin community.
- Efficiency I shall work to attain
our goals by optimizing the use of our energy, time and resources.
- Organizational Sensitivity I shall consider the impact of
all decisions on resources and to recognize the limitations imposed by our environment.
- Adaptability I shall respond
efficiently and effectively to the needs of our citizens as well as to changes in our
- Recognition I shall recognize and
value individual contributions to the Dunedin community, as the Citys mission and
vision are pursued.
City of Dunedin
Code of Core Values for Civility and
Acknowledgment Form
The Dunedin City
Commission has adopted a Code of Core Values for Civility and Ethics for members of the
City Commission, Boards and Committees to assure Public confidence in the integrity of
local government and its effective and fair operation.
It is the policy of the City of Dunedin to uphold, promote
and demand the highest standards of civility and ethics from all of its officials, whether
elected or appointed. Accordingly, members of
the City Commission, Boards and Committees should maintain the utmost standards of
personal integrity, truthfulness, honesty, civility and fairness in carrying out their
public duties, avoid any improprieties in their roles as public servants, and never use
their City position or powers for improper personal gain.
(F.S. 112.311/City Code Sec. 2-93)
The Code of Core Values for Civility and Ethics is
intended to be self-enforcing. It therefore
becomes most effective when members are thoroughly familiar with it and embrace its
For this reason, the Core Values of Civility and
Ethical standards shall be included in the regular orientations for the City Commission,
Boards and Committees. All members of the City
Commission, Boards and Committees shall sign a statement affirming that they read and
understood the City of Dunedin Code of Core Values for Civility and Ethics.
Compliance and Enforcement
The Code of Core Values for Civility and Ethics
expresses standards of ethical conduct expected from members of the Dunedin City
Commission, Boards and Committees. Members
themselves have the primary responsibility to assure that civil and ethical standards are
understood and met, and that the public can continue to have full confidence in the
integrity of government.
The Mayor and chairs of all boards and committees
have the additional responsibility to intervene when actions of their respective members
appear to be in violation of the Code of Core Values for Civility and Ethics.
A violation of this policy shall not be considered a
basis for challenging the validity of a City Commission decision.
I acknowledge that I have received
orientation on the City of Dunedins Code of Core Values for Civility and Ethics. I understand the behaviors that constitute civility
and ethics and that it is my responsibility to read and understand this document. I also acknowledge that I will live by these cores
values at all times while representing the City.
_________________________________ ____________________________________
Employee Signature