Ron Barnette, Ph.D
Dunedin, Florida 34698
Welcome to my website, which I have designed to assist in your needs and interests for intelligent internet pursuits. For your assistance, I have included below links to helpful information and examples. Providing intelligent internet services is a central aim of RonBarnette.Com, and I invite you to review the features of these services, as the site undergoes continued, responsible expansion and development. I appreciate your interest in unique, individually-designed, internet services. For research, production of written products and documents, and for specialized services, you are assured of quality. This is a promise to be kept.
order to address your interests, please submit inquiries and questions through my email
link will receive a timely, personal response, without associated junk mail
or any form of email spam. This is a promise.
Thank you.
....Ron Barnette
PS...For an enjoyable example of perception and reality, designed for a class I teach...and shared with Zeno's Coffeehouse...I have included this Mind Reader link, which is meant for fun, reflection and discussion:)